Vastu Tips for Wealth, Happiness, and Prosperity in the Home

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In India, people follow every remedy to protect their homes from negative energies. Practicing Vastu Shastra is one of them! It is an ancient guide to bring positivity, attract prosperity, and create balance for a prosperous life. Vastu means ‘home’, and Shastra means ‘science’. Building a house according to science is known as Vastu shastra. There are numerous Vastu tips for wealth and there are five elements of Vastu Shastra to be followed that are – Prithvi (earth), Agni (fire), Tej (light), Vayu (wind), and Akash (Sky) also known as the “Pancha Bhutas”. In Vastu principles, there are a total of 32 gates, with 9 (Mukhaya, Bhallat, Soma, Jayant, Indra, Vithatha, Grihakshat, Sugriva, Pushpdanta) being regarded as favorable for the entrance of a home.

To gain financial stability, people adopt several remedies. Now these elements could be an idol or some Havan and are placed in the direction as mentioned in the Vastu Shastra.

Vastu Tips for Wealth and Prosperity in 2024

  1. Entrance of the Home: The entrance of the home plays an important role in maintaining peace and harmony in home. It is believed that the ideal direction of the main door of the home is the North or East direction. Also using a teak wood in the door material and keeping the entrance clean is a good Vastu tip for money.
  2. Kuber Yantra: Lord Kuber also known as the “god of wealth” is also known as the protector of the world. Keeping a Kuber Yantra in the northeast direction can remove negative energy from the home. Kuber Yantra is believed to attract prosperity and financial stability. Benefits of Kuber Yantra can be gained by chanting this mantra 21 times – Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Kuberaya Namaha”.
  3. Fix Water Leakage: It is believed that the leakage of water in the bathroom and kitchen is not a good sign as it can lead to a huge financial loss.
  4. Plants at home: Few plants are considered to bring wealth as per the Vastu Shastra such as the Money plant, the Bamboo plant, and the Tulsi plant. Money plant Vastu Shastra is to be placed in the South East direction to remove obstacles. Money plant also helps to energize the home and increase the oxygen flow.
  5. Colours Significance. As per zodiac signs, people are advised to wear or use several colors. In Vastu too, some colors like green, violet, and red are considered to attract money. Vastu colors are best suited for bedrooms, kitchens, and dining halls.
  6. Get rid of clutter and broken items: It is not advised to keep broken items in the home. Also, keeping the house clean and getting rid of old furniture is believed to attract money and bring happiness.
  7. Documents, Jewellery, and Cash: As per the Vastu, the cupboard meant to keep all the financial documents should be placed in the West direction of the house and it should be in White or Yellow color to attract wealth. Also to avoid financial drainage, finance-related items should be removed from the South West direction.


Vastu is an ancient science of architecture. It is vital for happiness and well-being at home. You need to follow certain rules while designing a place as per the Vastu shastra. The five elements of the Vastu shastra along with the Vastu tips for wealth combine to maintain a balance in the environment. Directions play a major role therefore, even a curved structure is considered to be inauspicious as it restricts the personal growth of a person.

At Vedic Astro Kendra, we offer consultation for a Vastu-friendly home. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the importance of Vastu tips for wealth.

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