Disclaimer / Privacy
Disclamer & Privacy Policy
Disclaimer: Vedic Astro Kendra strives to provide you with accurate information and glorious insights through this website. It is our unswerving endeavour to upgrade the information and keep it cogent, concise and cutting-edge. However, we don’t make claims or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, relevance, reliability, validity or availability with respect to the information on the website pertaining to products, services, or related graphics for any purpose. The readers and customers (present & prospective) are suggested to use their discretion while perusing and trusting the information.
Vedic Astro Kendra, its employees, agents, suppliers, or contractors will not be responsible for any loss or damage, whether tangible or intangible and indirect or consequential, incurred by you in connection with the use of information provided on this website.
All images, content, graphics, audios, videos, streaming videos are the property of Vedic Astro Kendra, including the layout and design of the website. All of these are under copyright. None of them should be resold, redistributed, or republished without prior written permission.
Privacy Policy: Vedic Astro Kendra guarantees cast-iron confidentiality in regards to customers’ horoscopes and their other personal details. We make it a point to only use information revealed in a customer’s horoscope for communicating predictive results directly to that person.
Vedic Astro Kendra does not sell/share personal information or contact details of any customer to/with any entity or persons or organisation. We take utmost care in upholding the faith of our customers which they earnestly place in us.